目前的 krita 版還是無法「直接地」地在文字著上漸層色,雖然設定的介面看起來都準備好了,但還是缺最後的臨門一腳。
- 在文字圖層上使用Cmd+Shift+G (Quick Clipping Group) 功能。
- 在新產生出來的Mask Layer 倒下漸層色
How to do a gradient text?
when you have text – it’s a vector layer – selected in Tool Options docker there’s gradient but for some reason I can’t get it to work in my version of Krita it just turns the text red, so hopefully someone with better understanding will tell you but until then a simple way with all controls you have is to use a clipping layer (select layer with the text and press ctrl+shift+G or check Krita manual how clipping works – you need a group and then just check the inherit alpha in the layers panel on the layer you want to be clipped to layers below) and then just use the gradient tool (you can find it in the toolbar where brush, mover, vector, … tools are) – again go through tool options docker to set base parameters for it and at the top toolbar there’s gradient next to colors and pattern (there you can change colors for the gradient), if you don’t care about controls then just right click the text layer open layer style and go to gradient overlay.
穩定版的Krita 安裝檔下載:https://download.kde.org/stable/krita/
哈囉max 大想問一下你是用什麼寫的部落格,是WrodPress嗎?
還是那一個呢 謝謝