在 MSSQL 的世界, 直接用 in 或 not in () 很方便, 但 mysql 沒有這個功能, 替代方案是把 2個 table left join 起來, 取出 null 的就是 not in.
If you don’t want to (explicitly) use temporary tables, this will work:
SELECT tmp_table.id
FROM tmp_table
LEFT JOIN users u ON tmp_table.id = u.id
Create the temporary table:
CREATE TABLE a_table (id INT);
CREATE TABLE b_table (id INT);
Insert values:
INSERT INTO a_table (id) values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
INSERT INTO b_table (id) values (1),(3),(5);
Check A not in B, should select 2,4:
select a_table.id
from a_table
left join b_table on a_table.id = b_table.id
where b_table.id is null;

相直接刪掉這些不同步的資料, 在 MS SQL 很簡單, 但在 MYSQL 很麻煩,下面的語法會顯示錯誤:
delete from a_table
left join b_table on a_table.id = b_table.id
where b_table.id is null;
DELETE a_table.*
FROM a_table
WHERE a_table.id IN (SELECT id
FROM (SELECT a_table.id from a_table
left join b_table on a_table.id = b_table.id
where b_table.id is null));
但是,非常神奇的是,加了一個 x 一切就OK了, 什麼鬼, 太難理解!
DELETE a_table.*
FROM a_table
WHERE a_table.id IN (SELECT id
FROM (SELECT a_table.id from a_table
left join b_table on a_table.id = b_table.id
where b_table.id is null) x);

最後, 刪掉測試用 table:
drop table a_table;
drop table b_table;
附註: 在測試沒驗證過的 sql command 前, 請先備份 database, 以免重要資料在非預期的狀態下被 delete command 刪掉…。
SELECT that returns list of values not occurring in any row
Query to Check for Values Not Matching List in Where Clause