我自己習慣使用 CoolFormat 這個套件

這真的滿神奇的小工具,AStyle Formatter 預設會讓第一個大括號停在 if 或 fuction 的同一行。如果想讓第1個左大括號下去單獨一行需要修改設定值。
SublimeAStyleFormatter is a simple code formatter plugin for Sublime Text. It provides ability to format C, C++, Cuda-C++, OpenCL, Arduino, C#, and Java files.
CoolFormat 在 windows 平台上,使用上都沒問題,但在macOS 上做 format,就會卡關.
建議改用:Prettierd Format
In order to start using this plugin, you must install prettierd globally, either using npm/yarn/pnpm:
npm i -g @fsouza/prettierd
or homebrew on macOS:
brew install fsouza/prettierd/prettierd
Then, format on save will be enabled by default for all files supported by Prettier out-of-the-box.
### Commands:
- Prettierd: Format
Prettierd Format 使用起來也怪怪的,預設居然存檔會 format 一次!
解法很簡單,Formatter settings can be accessed from: Preferences > Package Settings > Prettierd Format > Settings,設定存檔時不要自動 format
"format_on_save": false
改用 Formatter
Formatter 感覺是很強沒錯,但觸發要用右鍵,不太直覺,希望都可以用鍵盤來解決。
Formatter settings can be accessed from: Preferences > Package Settings > Formatter > Settings
The following setting details – along with their default values and examples – are provided to guide you on how to set it up.
{ "debug": "status", "auto_format": { "config": { "format_on_save": false, "format_on_paste": false }, "json": { "uid": "jsbeautifier" }, "html": { "uid": "jsbeautifier", "exclude_syntaxes": { "html": ["markdown"] } }, "python": { "uid": "autopep8" } }, "formatters": {} }
如果想用 Fomatter 格式化 html 格式,需要安裝:
HTML, XHTML, XML | js-beautifier, prettier, prettierd, prettydiff[1], html-tidy |
滿神奇的,在 sublime 安裝完 js-beautifier ,使用 cmd + shift + p, 輸入 html 就會看到 html prettify, 可以格式化 html.
如果想用 Formatter 格式化 java, 有這幾個解法:
Java | google java format [1], uncrustify [2], clang-format [3], artistic style |
改用 JsFormat
在 macOS 上,似乎 JsFormat 用起來是比較順手。
JsFormat uses whatever tab/indent settings are configured with the standard translate_tabs_to_spaces
and tab_size
sublime settings.
The following JsBeautifier settings are available in JsFormat/JsFormat.sublime-settings (defaults shown below). Check out the official jsbeautifier documentation for more details on the options:
: falsemax_preserve_newlines
: 4preserve_newlines
: truespace_in_paren
: falsejslint_happy
: falsebrace_style
: “collapse”keep_array_indentation
: falsekeep_function_indentation
: falseeval_code
: false,unescape_strings
: false,break_chained_methods
: false*e4x
: falsewrap_line_length
: 0space_after_anon_function
: false
The following JsFormat specific settings are also exposed:
: false (format files on buffer save)format_on_save_extensions
: [“js”, “json”]jsbeautifyrc_files
: false (see the .jsbeautifyrc files section)
Mac 上的修改方式,先開啟檔案:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/SublimeAStyleFormatter/SublimeAStyleFormatter.sublime-settings:
{ // Please visit http://astyle.sourceforge.net/astyle.html for more information "options_default": { // Default bracket style // Can be one of "allman", "bsd", "break", "java", "attach", "kr", "k&r", // "k/r" "stroustrup", "whitesmith", "banner", "gnu", "linux", "horstmann", // "1tbs", "otbs ", "google", "pico", "lisp", "python", "vtk", or null // for default. "style": "allman", } }
SublimeAStyleFormatter Plugin 的安裝方式:
用 Package Install 來安裝~
Sublime Text > Tools > Command Palette > Package Control: Install Package,
找到 SublimeAStyleFormatter 安裝~
SublimeAStyleFormatter Plugin 的使用方式:
選擇 Tools > Command Palette > SublimeAStyleFormatter: Format Current File,
輸入 「format」就可以看到 command:
熱鍵是 Ctrl + Option + F
Key Bindings
The default key bindings for this plugin:
Windows, Linux:
- Ctrl+Alt+F: Format current file.
- Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F: Format current selection.
- Ctrl+Alt+F: Format current file.
- ⌘+K, ⌘+F: Format current selection.
Command Palette
Open the command palette, it appears as SublimeAStyleFormatter: Format Current File
and SublimeAStyleFormatter Format Current Selection
Per-project Settings
Before starting, you may want to have a look at SublimeAStyleFormatter.sublime-settings.
To edit your project setting, select Project/Edit Project
from main menu. A project setting contains per-project settings for SublimeAStyleFormatter should look like this:
For example, if you don’t want to inherit the default settings, instead, use your own astylerc file for C and C++ individually, then your project setting might look like this:
// project folders, etc
// ...
// project settings
// Use 2 spaces for indentation
"indent": "spaces",
"indent-spaces": 2
"use_only_additional_options": true,
"additional_options_file": "/path/to/your/astylerc/for/c"
"use_only_additional_options": true,
"additional_options_file": "/path/to/your/astylerc/for/c++"