Selenium UnhandledPromptBehavior

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UnhandledPromptBehavior 參數用途:

Specifies the behavior of handling unexpected alerts


  • Accept
    Accept unexpected alerts.
  • AcceptAndNotify
    Accepts unexpected alerts and notifies the user that the alert has been accepted by throwing an UnhandledAlertException
  • Default
    Indicates the behavior is not set.
  • Dismiss
    Dismiss unexpected alerts.
  • DismissAndNotify
    Dismisses unexpected alerts and notifies the user that the alert has been dismissed by throwing an UnhandledAlertException
  • Ignore
    Ignore unexpected alerts, such that the user must handle them.

Max測試,預設值應該是 DismissAndNotify。


from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities
import DesiredCapabilities
caps = DesiredCapabilities().CHROME
caps["unhandledPromptBehavior"] = "dismiss and notify"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(desired_capabilities=caps, executable_path=r'C:\path\to\chromedriver.exe') driver.get("")


options = uc.ChromeOptions()
options.page_load_strategy = 'eager'
options.unhandled_prompt_behavior = "accept"



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