原本的需求是想知道圖片中一個4角形的內容值,剛好看到一個實用的範例。似乎 OpenCV 和 numpy 變成必學的項目了,好多專案都在使用。
How to get pixel values inside of a rectangle within an image
You can do that with Python/OpenCV by first drawing a white filled polygon on black background as a mask from your four points. The use np.where to locate and then print all the points in the image corresponding to the white pixels in the mask.

import cv2
import numpy as np
# read image
image = cv2.imread('lena.png')
# create mask with zeros
mask = np.zeros((image.shape), dtype=np.uint8)
# define points (as small diamond shape)
pts = np.array( [[[25,20],[30,25],[25,30],[20,25]]], dtype=np.int32 )
cv2.fillPoly(mask, pts, (255,255,255) )
# get color values
values = image[np.where((mask == (255,255,255)).all(axis=2))]
# save mask
cv2.imwrite('diamond_mask.png', mask)
cv2.imshow('image', image)
cv2.imshow('mask', mask)

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換成 PIL 寫法:
How to read an image file as ndarray
from PIL import Image import numpy as np im = np.array(Image.open('data/src/lena_square.png')) print(im.dtype) # uint8 print(im.ndim) # 3 print(im.shape) # (512, 512, 3)