這篇文章的目的是把點陣圖片(.bmp 或 .png) 產生成一個字型檔,原來滿簡單的,網路上有很多驗證過且完整的解法。
- 妄想者造字记
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/23607678 - 中文像素字体制作
https://indienova.com/u/hata/blogread/26923 - Converting rasters to SVG, and creating a rudimentary font with font-forge – Part 4 of an XKCD font saga
https://pelson.github.io/2017/xkcd_font_raster_to_vector_and_basic_font_creation/ - 字体生成小记
http://www.shushilvshe.com/data/font-build.html - 幫字型檔補缺字

Python 在圖像上輸出文字
有了 bmp 檔案後,要怎麼變成字型檔案呢?常見的解法是先用 potrace,Inkscape,autotrace 自動描邊的軟體把圖片轉成向量格式,手動的指令可以參考看看:
Looking at the potrace
website you can apparently go directly from BMP to SVG.
$ potrace -s input.bmp -o output.svg
Another option to potrace
is autotrace
$ autotrace -output-file ouput.svg -output-format svg --color-count 4 input.bmp
You’ll likely have to play with the --color-count
to get an image that suites your needs.
有了 .svg 檔案,可以手動在 fontforge 裡做匯入(import),當然最理想的作法是寫python腳本程式來自動匯入,才會比較有效率和省時間。
直接使用空的字型檔案,或直接匯入 .svg 都會讓圖片產生偏移,奇怪的是坐標內容是正確的,執行結果:

解決這個問題滿簡單的,不要使用空的字型檔,而是去更新一個要修改的字(.glyph) 就可以解決了,max 的 sample code:
import os BMP_PATH = './bmp/' SVG_PATH = './svg/' FONT_PROJECT= './myfont.sfdir' FONT_PATH= './myfont.ttf' import fontforge # new font. #font = fontforge.font() # open exist font. print("Open font:", FONT_PROJECT) font=fontforge.open(FONT_PROJECT) # prepare environment if not os.path.exists(BMP_PATH): # make dir. print('mkdir bmp folder') os.system('mkdir -p ' + BMP_PATH) if not os.path.exists(SVG_PATH): # make dir. print('mkdir svg folder') os.system('mkdir -p ' + SVG_PATH) print('bmp transform to svg...') for filename in os.listdir(BMP_PATH): bmp_filepath = os.path.join(BMP_PATH, filename) svg_filename = filename.replace('.bmp','.svg') svg_filepath = os.path.join(SVG_PATH, svg_filename) command='potrace -s ' + bmp_filepath + ' -o ' + svg_filepath try: os.system(command) except Exception as e: print(e) print('bmp transform to svg finished, move svg image to svg folder.') print('generate fonts...') for filename in os.listdir(SVG_PATH): svg = os.path.join(SVG_PATH, filename) try: #image filename example: "U_001234.svg" glyph = font.createChar(int('0x'+filename.split('.')[0][-4:], 16) ,filename.split('.')[0]) # force overwrite, must clear before import. glyph.clear() # if .clear() clean too many infomation, use below code instead. #glyph.layers[0] = fontforge.layer() #glyph.layers[1] = fontforge.layer() glyph.importOutlines(svg) #glyph.correctDirection() glyph.simplify() glyph.round() except Exception as e: print(e) except Error as err: print(err) # not necessary to save, save only for debug purpose. #font.save(FONT_PROJECT) font.generate(FONT_PATH) font.close() print('generate fonts finished.^_^y')
一開始以為 glyph.clear() 會把異體字對應的table清除,實際測試額外的 AltUni2 還有被保留,還沒有去測試 Substitution2 的資料會不會因為 glyph.clear() 造成遺失。
fontforge scripting 官方說明: