Google Play 的 Data Safety(資料安全性)表單如何填,如果使用Google Admob

我一開始填沒有收到,結果被退件了,呵呵,因為有使用到 Google Admob.

英文版的Email: Action Required: Your app is not compliant with Google Play Policies


Does your app collect or share any of the required user data types? Yes
Is all of the user data collected by your app encrypted in transit? Yes
Do you provide a way for users to request that their data is deleted? No

Location > Approximate location(概略位置)
App activity > Page views and taps in app
App info and performance > Crash logs, Diagnostics(當機記錄、診斷資料)
Device or other identifiers > Device or other identifiers(裝置 ID 或其他 ID)

Is this data collected, shared, or both? Both
收集:這項資料會從使用者的裝置傳出,由您 (開發人員) 或第三方接收,包括暫時處理的資料及儲存較長時間的資料。

Is this data processed ephemerally? No

Is this data required for your app, or can users choose whether it’s collected? Data collection is required (users can’t turn off this data collection)
需要收集資料 (使用者無法關閉資料收集功能)

Why is this user data shared? Advertising or marketing

Prepare for Google Play’s data disclosure requirements

Data collected and shared automatically

The Google Mobile Ads SDK collects and shares the following data types automatically for advertising, analytics, and fraud prevention purposes.

DataBy default, the Google Mobile Ads SDK…
IP addressCollects device’s IP address, which may be used to estimate the general location of a device.
User product interactionsCollects user product interactions and interaction information, including app launch, taps, and video views.
Diagnostic informationCollects information related to the performance of your app and the SDK, including crash logs, app launch time, hang rate, and energy usage.
Device and Account identifiersCollects Android advertising (ad) IDapp set ID, and, if applicable, other identifiers related to signed-in accounts on the device.

All of the user data collected by Google Mobile Ads SDK is encrypted in transit using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

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