Include another JSP file

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在JSP中,有兩種 include

<%@include file="includes/header.jsp" %>

What you’re doing is a static include. A static include is resolved at compile time, and may thus not use a parameter value, which is only known at execution time.

What you need is a dynamic include:

<jsp:include page="..." />

Note that you should use the JSP EL rather than scriptlets. It also seems that you’re implementing a central controller with index.jsp. You should use a servlet to do that instead, and dispatch to the appropriate JSP from this servlet. Or better, use an existing MVC framework like Stripes or Spring MVC.

  • 第一種, 沒有 page= 的include會在編譯時期(轉換成servlet)就將file include進來,最後只會有一個.class檔案.
  • 第二種, 有 page= 的include, 在編譯時期並不會被編譯,是在client request時,才會動態的去載入在去編譯。

如果要帶參數, You can use parameters like that

<jsp:include page='about.jsp'>
    <jsp:param name="articleId" value=""/>


in about.jsp you can take the paramter

<%String leftAds = request.getParameter("articleId");%>

You can use Include Directives

   String p = request.getParameter("p");

<%@include file="<%="includes/" + p +".jsp"%>"%>


or JSP Include Action

   String p = request.getParameter("p");

<jsp:include page="<%="includes/"+p+".jsp"%>"/>




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